Succession in Czech Republic

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Can I retain some rights associated with the assets I give away? Can I reserve a right of reclaim?

Yes, you can. Such rights, e.g. a right to use given property free of charge for life, may be reserved in your Gift Agreement. If the asset in question is real property, such right may be entered in the cadaster of immovable property. Your right would then not only be binding on the donee, but also on any future owner of the asset.

The Czech civil code enables you to revoke a gift due to poverty, i.e. when the donor becomes so destitute that he/she lacks the means to sustain himself/herself; or for ingratitude, i.e. when the donee harms the donor in a way that violates good manners. The donor’s right to revoke the gift cannot be given up in the Gift Agreement, however, it is possible to include other conditions upon which the donee would be obliged to return the gift. Your notary will explain all details to you.

You can check the European Directory of Notaries at to find a notary, or the European Commission’s e-Justice portal at for more detailed legal information.

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Notarska komora Ceske republiky

Apolinářská 12

CZ - 128 00 Praha 2

České republice

Tel.: +420 - 2 - 249 212 58

Tel.: +420 - 2 - 249 211 26

Fax: +420 - 2 - 249 191 92

nkcr nkcr cz

Information for non-EU European countries is available on the International Union of Notaries (UINL) website at the following link.